Dani Rhea
A platform to connect, celebrate, and write your story.


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Blogs have a wonderful place here on the interwebs. As a new stay-at-home mom, I feverishly read "Mommy Blogs" searching for a voice like my own to tell me that I wasn't as crazy as i felt. The raw passion one can portray on a blog, be it about fashion, parenting, art, or politics, gives blogs a wonderful place for words to take shape. To exude feeling. To promote a cause. I can get lost in the blogosphere searching for that perfect place to share my own experience. I kept a blog when the kids were small because I rapidly fell behind on scrapbooking. The blog seemed like the perfect solution-you can take a gander at all those adventures at www.daniella-scrogdog.blogspot.com . Those were really special days. Now that my kids are teens, this blog feels so different. My babies are turning into people. They are learning to drive, taking advanced classes, and applying for college. Our story is changing-it's evolving, as everyone's does. These posts give you a glimpse into our evolution.

College Essays

Over the last few weeks, I've had the surprising pleasure of helping some aspiring college students form their application essays, and some hopeful scholarship recipients do the same. And yes, I said it was a pleasure. I'm a writing nerd, remember?

In doing this, I've been reminded that writing, for me, is a personal form of expression, and one that comes easily. In fact, it comes more easily than verbal communication. I have always been able to process my thoughts, feelings, worries, and aspirations better on paper than in a conversation. I've also realized that not everyone is able to communicate their intentions in the same way, and this is a way I can serve other people.

Reading these essays, and working from the voice of these young people has been so inspirational and satisfying. I'm amazing by their talent, drive, and motivation for the next step in their lives, and hope those qualities have come across in my edits. Taking their words and molding them into their dreams is literally so. fun. for. me. 

Also, the feedback has been amazing, to the point of tears (on my part, of course.) To be told I've captured their hearts with words in a way they couldn't seem to say warms my heart, and tells me I'm in the right place, doing the exact right thing right now. I'm writing everyday. Sometimes a blog, sometimes an article, sometimes a text, and sometimes an essay, but I'm writing. I'm expressing. I'm observing and recording life. I'm storytelling.

Because that's what I do, every single day, and I can't wait to do more.