A platform to connect, celebrate, and write your story.


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Blogs have a wonderful place here on the interwebs. As a new stay-at-home mom, I feverishly read "Mommy Blogs" searching for a voice like my own to tell me that I wasn't as crazy as i felt. The raw passion one can portray on a blog, be it about fashion, parenting, art, or politics, gives blogs a wonderful place for words to take shape. To exude feeling. To promote a cause. I can get lost in the blogosphere searching for that perfect place to share my own experience. I kept a blog when the kids were small because I rapidly fell behind on scrapbooking. The blog seemed like the perfect solution-you can take a gander at all those adventures at www.daniella-scrogdog.blogspot.com . Those were really special days. Now that my kids are teens, this blog feels so different. My babies are turning into people. They are learning to drive, taking advanced classes, and applying for college. Our story is changing-it's evolving, as everyone's does. These posts give you a glimpse into our evolution.

People DO have stories!

I have a few new projects on the horizon after launching Dani Rhea, and I couldn’t be more excited. I have so many ideas of stories I could tell, but the ideas coming from clients give me goosebumps!

1-Life in Four Quarters: I’m working with a friend to create a sample product about her father’s life. I plan to interview her and a few members of her family to tell her dad’s story. He passed away a few years before the last of the grandkids were born, and I’d love to provide a concrete showcase of his life, love, and legacy. He was a football coach, so four quarters seemed like the perfect way to nod to his love.

2-A retirement present. I’m working with a client to showcase a lifetime of professional work. What a treat! I hope this project becomes a treasure of memories.

3-Letters from Grandpa. I’m working with a dear friend to create a book for her toddler with stories from both her grandfathers. They both passed away before she was born, and this book will tell their stories and legacies as she grows up.

These are a few of the types of stories I want to tell, to put on paper, and to publish, but there are so many more. Every graduate has a story about their childhood. Every parent has a story about their life before children, or the hope of children. Every teacher has a story to tell about their own growth or the growth of their students, perhaps one specific student. Every new business owner has a story to tell about their inspiration, plan, and launch. Every doctor or therapist has patients with stories of survival, personal growth, and triumph. Stories are everywhere.

Which one do you want to tell? Leave me a comment and let me know!