A platform to connect, celebrate, and write your story.

About Dani Rhea



I am a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, educator, and most recently, aspiring writer. I have always loved putting words down on paper. For me, writing was a way to process emotions, to expel negative energy, and to articulately communicate my point on any matter. As a child, I kept a diary. As a teenager, I wrote letters that I never sent. As a young adult, I actually enjoyed writing those term papers and lab reports. As a young mother, I kept a blog, and through that blog landed a guest column in my hometown newspaper, The Wise County Messenger .  My column, Life is Kid's Stuff, began about nine years ago, and in that column I have written about my personal experiences as a mom, wife, friend, and educator. I will showcase some of those articles on this website-just look under columns. 

Like I said, I'm a teacher-was a teacher-until this last year. I began teaching in 1998 in a 7th grade Science classroom. I actually loved geeking out with my students about erosion, mitochondria, and taxonomy. (Super Nerd!) Through the last two decades I have taught Biology, 5th grade Science, 5th grade Math, and kindergarten through fifth grade Gifted and Talented. In that time, I also stayed home with my babies, three of them, and earned a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership. It was a busy few decades, with many ups, downs, turns and u-turns...which brings me to today. 

Today I am again a Stay-at-Home-Mom to a 17-year old senior in high school, 15-year old sophomore in high school, and 12-year old 7th grader. With seven short years of kids in our home left, I made this choice to focus on Them, to slow down our Family Rhythm, and to connect to my Authentic Calling, which I believe to be storytelling. Teachers tell stories everyday. Mothers tell stories every minute. I love telling a story. I love listening to your stories. I'm a little (okay, a lot) unsteady opening this book, but I'm taking the leap to write this first chapter. Join me. I'd like that a lot. 
