A platform to connect, celebrate, and write your story.


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Blogs have a wonderful place here on the interwebs. As a new stay-at-home mom, I feverishly read "Mommy Blogs" searching for a voice like my own to tell me that I wasn't as crazy as i felt. The raw passion one can portray on a blog, be it about fashion, parenting, art, or politics, gives blogs a wonderful place for words to take shape. To exude feeling. To promote a cause. I can get lost in the blogosphere searching for that perfect place to share my own experience. I kept a blog when the kids were small because I rapidly fell behind on scrapbooking. The blog seemed like the perfect solution-you can take a gander at all those adventures at www.daniella-scrogdog.blogspot.com . Those were really special days. Now that my kids are teens, this blog feels so different. My babies are turning into people. They are learning to drive, taking advanced classes, and applying for college. Our story is changing-it's evolving, as everyone's does. These posts give you a glimpse into our evolution.

The Four Agreements, A Toltec Wisdom Book by Don Miguel Ruiz

This summer, I went on a reading binge—an absolute reading binge. I must have read over 24 books, including fiction, brain candy, philosophy, online prints, self-help, autobiography, and even a book of poetry. I think I was trying to absorb as much perspective as possible as I brainstormed the launch of this website—this dream of writing down people’s stories.

The Four Agreements, A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

The Four Agreements, A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

One of the first books of my summer was The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz. This 140 page book resonated with me so completely that I refer to it almost daily in my spiritual practice, or in how I connect with people. These are four simple statements, but taken to heart can create wholesome relationships, fulfilling work, loving families, and self-love. I encourage everyone to pick up this gem, to stow it on your bedside table, and refer to it often—especially on those days the world seems a little too dark to understand.

Reach out and connect. Embody these agreements, and live your story.

The First Agreement: Be impeccable with your word.

The Second Agreement: Don’t take anything personally.

The Third Agreement: Don’t make assumptions.

The Fourth Agreement: Always do your best.

Imagine living in a world where everyone abided by these agreements? I’ll admit, the second agreement is the most difficult for me. I take everything personally. As a sensitive person, anything can hurt my feelings. But, through reading this book, I can honestly say that now I have a slightly stronger handle on that weakness, and a cognitive goal to look past peoples’ actions to intent. The first agreement: “Be impeccable with your word.” Think about that word, impeccable. It means to purposefully choose words, body language, tone, voice, and again, intent in how you choose to communicate with your friends, family, spouse, co-workers, children, and strangers. Through being impeccable, you can choose kindness in everything. To me, that fills my body with hope. My pores absorb the freedom of pure, unconditional love, and my eyes open to the world around me—ready to take in the good—ready to Live Everyday. Celebrate Often. and Love Always.

Read it. Live it. Love it.

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